Designed Solution For Improvinge Instrument Count Efficiency by 90%

Ortolligence - Surgical Tool Scanner App


Mobile App


The Ortolligence project focused on developing a mobile application for scanning and managing surgical tools in operating rooms. The primary goal was to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of surgical tool tracking, reducing the risk of tool misplacement and ensuring smooth surgical procedures.

Chapter 1: Confronting the Challenge

As the in-house designer for Digica, an AI and machine learning product development agency, Ortolligence was one of our clients. I was tasked with a crucial project: developing a mobile app to streamline the tracking of surgical instruments. The aim was clear - create a tool that surgeons and nurses could rely on to maintain the highest standard of patient safety during operations.

My role was to distill these observations into a digital form, designing an intuitive interface seamlessly integrated into the OR’s workflow. It was about marrying functionality with simplicity - ensuring each swipe and tap on the app reduced the cognitive load on the medical staff, not adding to it.

User Research Insights:

  • Surgeons require quick and reliable tool identification to maintain focus during surgeries.

  • Attendings and nurses needed a streamlined process for tracking and managing tools to minimize disruptions.

  • IT staff emphasized the importance of seamless integration with existing hospital systems.

Chapter 2: Crafting the Solution

The initial concept—a scanner tool within a mobile app—was in place, but it was up to me to transform this idea into a functional design.

Chapter 3: Navigating the Design Process

Once the wireframes were laid out, the real test began. This process was about refinement and iteration.

Step Two: User Feedback Feedback sessions became a regular routine. I sought out honest, critical feedback, not just validation. Each piece of feedback was a gold nugget that helped me polish the design.

Step Three: Collaboration and Iteration Close collaboration with the development team was essential. We needed to ensure the app's design was visually appealing and technically feasible. I worked hand-in-glove with developers, aligning design with functionality and ensuring each feature was built on a solid foundation of user research and technical reality.

Step Four: High-Fidelity Design With the insights from user feedback and technical constraints in mind, I crafted the high-fidelity designs. These were richer, more detailed, and closer to the final product. This was the stage where the app started to come to life, where the abstract became concrete.

Chapter 6: Measuring Success

Success wasn’t just measured in the smooth functioning of the app but in the real, tangible improvements it made in surgical procedures. We received feedback about the app's reliability, ease of use, and, most importantly, effectiveness in reducing the risk of surgical instrument misplacement. Most notable was:

  • A 30% reduction in tool misplacement incidents.

  • A 25% increase in surgical preparation efficiency.

  • A 15% reduction in overall surgery time due to improved tool management.

Feedback Loop

  • Beta Testing: Released a beta version of the app for real-world testing, gathering detailed feedback on performance and usability.

  • Iterative Design: Made continuous improvements based on feedback, ensuring the app addressed all identified issues and improved workflow efficiency.

  • Focus Groups: Conducted focus groups with surgical teams to understand their specific needs and pain points.

Product Design

UX Research

©2020 Gideon Awolesi

Product Design

UX Research

©2020 Gideon Awolesi

Product Design

UX Research

©2020 Gideon Awolesi